Ideal Investment Horizon: 5-7 Years
Ideal Investment Horizon: 5-7 Years
Ideal Investment Horizon: 5-7 Years
All Weather Investment Approach
All Weather Investment Approach
All Weather Investment Approach
The primary objective of All-weather Investment Approach is to generate long term capital appreciation and superior returns by investing across asset classes.
The primary objective of All-weather Investment Approach is to generate long term capital appreciation and superior returns by investing across asset classes.
The primary objective of All-weather Investment Approach is to generate long term capital appreciation and superior returns by investing across asset classes.
Ckredence Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd.
Ckredence Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd.
Ckredence Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd.
PMS SEBI Regn No. INP000007164
PMS SEBI Regn No. INP000007164
PMS SEBI Regn No. INP000007164

Investment Objective
Investment Objective
Investment Objective
The primary objective of portfolio manager of All-weather Investment Approach is to generate long term capital appreciation and superior returns by investing across asset classes such as Indian equity, offshore mutual fund schemes/ETFs and gold ETFs with an objective of giving investors an enhanced diversification. The proposed portfolio normally invests in 30-35 Stocks.
The primary objective of portfolio manager of All-weather Investment Approach is to generate long term capital appreciation and superior returns by investing across asset classes such as Indian equity, offshore mutual fund schemes/ETFs and gold ETFs with an objective of giving investors an enhanced diversification. The proposed portfolio normally invests in 30-35 Stocks.
Investment Approach
Investment Approach
Investment Approach
Here, portfolio will be designed to capture benefits of all asset classes be it domestic equity, overseas equity and gold. Portfolio would be having following weights.
Domestic Equity – 60% to 100%
Offshore Equity through ETF – 0% to 20%
Gold through ETF – 0% to 20%
Globally, there are many superior businesses which are either not available in India or are in very nascent stage. Overseas ETF would capture it.
Here, portfolio will be designed to capture benefits of all asset classes be it domestic equity, overseas equity and gold. Portfolio would be having following weights.
Domestic Equity – 60% to 100%
Offshore Equity through ETF – 0% to 20%
Gold through ETF – 0% to 20%
Globally, there are many superior businesses which are either not available in India or are in very nascent stage. Overseas ETF would capture it.
All Weather Vs BSE 500 TRI
As on 31st Jan, 2025
All Weather Returns (%)
All Weather Returns (%)
As on 31st Jan, 2025
As on 31st Jan, 2025

All return are in TWRR (Annualised)
All return are in TWRR (Annualised)
Past performance of the portfolio does not indicate the future performance of any of the strategies
Past performance of the portfolio does not indicate the future performance of any of the strategies
Returns are after fees and all expenses
Returns are after fees and all expenses
Perofrmance data provided above is not verified by any regulatory authority/SEBI
Perofrmance data provided above is not verified by any regulatory authority/SEBI
All Weather Details
All Weather Details
As on 31st Jan, 2025
As on 31st Jan, 2025
Research Based
Date Of Inception
Date Of Inception
11 June, 2021
11 June, 2021
Fund Age
Fund Age
3.5+ Years
3.5+ Years
Min Investment Amt.
₹ 5000000
Min SIP Amt.
Min SIP Amt.
₹ 200000
₹ 200000
Variable Fees
Variable Fees
AMC : 0.25% Hurdle: 7% Profit Sharing: 25%
AMC : 0.25% Hurdle: 7% Profit Sharing: 25%
Fixed Fees
AMC Charges: 2.50%
Asset Class
Asset Class
Equity, Mutual Fund, Gold, Offshore ETFs
Equity, Mutual Fund, Gold, Offshore ETFs
Sector Allocation
As on 31st Jan, 2025
As on 31st Jan, 2025
210+ Cr
210+ Cr
Total AUM
Total AUM
Portfolio P / E
Portfolio P / E
Total Stocks
Total Stocks
3.5+ Years
3.5+ Years
Fund Age
Fund Age
Market Cap Allocation
As on 31st Jan, 2025
As on 31st Jan, 2025
Know Your Fund Manager

Mr. Kartik Mehta
Mr Kartik Bhaskerray Mehta is the Fund Manager of Portfolio Management Services and has recently joined the Ckredence team. Armed with an MBA in Finance from the Indian Institute of Finance, Delhi, and with 20+ years of experience in Finance and Equity Management, he brings to the table an impressive knowledge of the market. Having worked with various esteemed institutions like IDFC Asset Management Ltd., Canara Robeco Asset Management Ltd., Sushil Financial Services Pvt Ltd, and Asset Alliance Securities Pvt Ltd, Mr. Kartik is the ideal person to manage a client portfolio and create comprehensive investment strategies.
Experience: 20+ Years
Experience: 20+ Years
Scheme Managed: 06
Scheme Managed: 06
Know Your Fund Manager

Mr. Kartik Mehta
Mr Kartik Bhaskerray Mehta is the Fund Manager of Portfolio Management Services and has recently joined the Ckredence team. Armed with an MBA in Finance from the Indian Institute of Finance, Delhi, and with 20+ years of experience in Finance and Equity Management, he brings to the table an impressive knowledge of the market. Having worked with various esteemed institutions like IDFC Asset Management Ltd., Canara Robeco Asset Management Ltd., Sushil Financial Services Pvt Ltd, and Asset Alliance Securities Pvt Ltd, Mr. Kartik is the ideal person to manage a client portfolio and create comprehensive investment strategies.
Experience: 20+ Years
Scheme Managed: 06
Custodian: Orbis Financial Corporation Limited
Custodian: Orbis Financial Corporation Limited
Who is a Portfolio Manager?
A portfolio manager is a body corporate, which, pursuant to a contract with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether as a discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise) the management or administration of a portfolio of securities or goods or funds of the client.
Who is a Portfolio Manager?
A portfolio manager is a body corporate, which, pursuant to a contract with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether as a discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise) the management or administration of a portfolio of securities or goods or funds of the client.
Who is a Portfolio Manager?
A portfolio manager is a body corporate, which, pursuant to a contract with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether as a discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise) the management or administration of a portfolio of securities or goods or funds of the client.
What is the difference between discretionary portfolio management service and non-discretionary portfolio management service?
What is the difference between discretionary portfolio management service and non-discretionary portfolio management service?
What is the difference between discretionary portfolio management service and non-discretionary portfolio management service?
What is the procedure of making an application for obtaining registration as a portfolio manager from SEBI?
What is the procedure of making an application for obtaining registration as a portfolio manager from SEBI?
What is the procedure of making an application for obtaining registration as a portfolio manager from SEBI?
What is the minimum Net worth requirement of a portfolio manager?
What is the minimum Net worth requirement of a portfolio manager?
What is the minimum Net worth requirement of a portfolio manager?
What fees can a portfolio manager charge from its clients for the services rendered by him?
What fees can a portfolio manager charge from its clients for the services rendered by him?
What fees can a portfolio manager charge from its clients for the services rendered by him?
What are the various securities in which a Portfolio Manager may invest clients’ funds?
What are the various securities in which a Portfolio Manager may invest clients’ funds?
What are the various securities in which a Portfolio Manager may invest clients’ funds?
Whether the funds of clients availing discretionary PMS may be invested in unlisted bonds, which are traded over the counter but settled and reported to the Stock Exchanges?
Whether the funds of clients availing discretionary PMS may be invested in unlisted bonds, which are traded over the counter but settled and reported to the Stock Exchanges?
Whether the funds of clients availing discretionary PMS may be invested in unlisted bonds, which are traded over the counter but settled and reported to the Stock Exchanges?
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